Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to Flirt with Any Girl You Meet

In order to know how to successfully flirt, you need to consider one very important fact - women do not like overly cocky guys. While a little bit of confidence is always important, being TOO much of a jerk will

Showing off your hot set of wheels, running your mouth about how much money you have, or boasting about how important your job is may seem like a good way to grab a girl's attention, but it's not. Bragging actually portrays weakness, and it will do you more harm than good.

Now that we've cleared that up, let's delve into the topic at hand - what is the right way to flirt. In essence, flirting is a subtle but fun way to show a girl you're interested in her. Just for a moment, imagine yourself talking to a girl for the very first time. She's cute, she seems interested in the conversation, and even better...she appears to be giving you "the eye."

This type of sexual tension is, in reality, part of the human mating ritual. From it, we determine if the attraction is mutual, and in turn, whether or not to move forward. When flirting, try to incorporate all the qualities of masculinity that women find attractive (leadership, confidence, humor, etc.) But for the sake of this discussion, know that women generally respond to men who are confident and in touch with their emotions.

[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'How to Flirt with a Girl' Article]....

What is the Meaning of Flirting with Women

What is the meaning of flirting? This question may seem simple enough to answer. After all, we've all done it (or tried to, at least.)

Complimenting women, dressing to impress, and spouting off cheesy pick-up lines are just some of the tactics devised to attract a mate, but how much do we really know about the art of flirting?

In short, flirting is nothing more than a mating ritual, and it is not exclusive to humans alone.

Consider the animal kingdom. Have you ever wondered about the songs birds sing? Is it just a mere coincidence that peacocks have such stylish feathers? What's the science behind apes beating their chests the way they do?

The answer is simple... it's all a part of their mating ritual.

While flirting techniques are unique to each species, the goal behind them is not. For humans, flirting involves the verbal and nonverbal cues we use to attract a potential mate. We use this form of communication to show interest and to generate the sexual tension that's necessary for creating attraction.

[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'The Meaning of Flirting' Article]....

Try These 12 Flirt Texting Tips With Women

Wanna know the ONE tool I use all the time to flirt and create sexual tension?

It's the 'text messaging' function on my cell phone.

Now unless you've lived in a cave for the last couple of years, you're probably familiar with text messages. These are the short, "email like" messages you can send to people with your cell phone.

They're widely used because they're incredibly useful for asking a quick question or sending a brief message.

What's interesting is women LOVE text messaging! If you've ever watched a girl in a social setting, you'll notice how much many text messages she sends. In fact, I think this form of technology is rapidly replacing phone conversations.

So when you text message a girl the RIGHT way, you can quickly build enough attraction that you won't have to do much IN-PERSON game when you see her next.

BUT there's one major problem here...

Most guys complete screw-up what they write on their text messages. They text the way we men typically have conversations. When talking to one another, we like to think logically and make plans. This means their texts are usually straight to the point.

Women on the other hand, view text messaging as a way to get to know one another. They use it to describe their problems and stay in touch with people in their lives.

It's important to remember this rule when texting!

The best way to use text messaging is to build SEXUAL TENSION. Before each text, I think carefully about how this message will advance the flirting and sexual tension I've created with this particular girl.

First Date Tip- Never Romance a Woman

Here's a familiar story...

Boy meets girl

Boy gets girl's number

Boy calls up girl and sets up the first date.

Boy shows up on girl's doorstep with flowers (or a fancy gift), brings her to an expensive restaurant and talks about how he REALLY likes her.

Girl quickly ends the date and doesn't answer any of his follow-up phone calls.

This is familiar because it's something that almost every guy has done at some point in his dating life.

The truth is we've all been PROGRAMMED to behave this way. In your average romantic movie, the male character wins over a girl's affection by professing his undying love. And if you've ever watched one of these movies with a girl, you'll see how emotional and choked up she gets.

So naturally, it seems logical to think that romantic gestures on your first couple of dates are the best way to attract her interest.

My question is- Should you be romantic when you first meet a woman?

The short answer is NO. And here's the reason why...

[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'First Date Advice' Article]....

Create Sexual Attraction By Making Women Laugh

Today I want to quickly cover a SIMPLE, but very effective technique that guys use to create attraction with the women you meet:


Whenever they do one of those polls asking what women want in a man, humor ALWAYS comes up in the top 3.

And if you looked carefully at any 'attract and seduce' course, you'll find that most of the information covers laughter and how it builds attraction.

Whether it's called cocky-funny, teasing, negging or sarcasm, HUMOR is critical to your success with women.

But many guys get it completely wrong when they try to be funny around women.

In order to get them laughing and attracted at the same time, you have to understand the principles. That's why it's important to follow these 4 RULES of humor:

=====> RULE #1: Don't be a Clown <=====

Being funny NEVER means acting like a clown.

Acting this way will make you seem like you're doing a "Try Hard". This is when a guy is obviously trying to make a woman laugh.

This will lowers your social status and makes you seem like you're desperately seeking her approval. Furthermore, when you do slap-stickey humor, women will be laughing...

But it'll be AT you, not WITH you.

Sure, comedians can get women laughing, but they almost never get laid!

[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'How to Attract Women with Humor' Article]....

What Do Women Want From Guys

Frankly, women can be REALLY puzzling.

Case in point, have you EVER thought any of the following:

• "Why won't she return my phone calls?"

• "Why did she agree to a date, but cancel at the last minute?"

• "Why does she flirt, but get annoyed when I make a move?"

• "Why does she complain about the guys she dates, but doesn't want a nice guy"

The actions of women can be extremely frustrating! It seems like they enjoy saying one thing then turning around doing the EXACT opposite.

And this is even more annoying when we think we're starting to finally understand them.

The other day my buddy Mike was complaining about a girl he recently met. From what he told me, she showed all the obvious signs of interest:

• SHE approached him

• SHE flirted and carried the conversation

• SHE insisted that they meet for a date

So what happened?

At the last minute she called up and canceled the date. After that, she wouldn't return Mike's phone call OR text messages.

Mike told me this story in the hopes that I had some advice on the matter.

And all I could do was shrug my shoulders and say...

[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'How to Understand Women' Article]....

How to Succeed with Any Woman You Meet

The following is a true story...

The other day I was hanging out with my buddy Joe. During the course of the evening, we met a couple of attractive girls around where I live.

Things looked really promising...The one with me was really cute and the girl with Joe looked like she was really into him. In fact, she was sending ALL the signals of interest. All Joe had to do was make a move and she would be his!

So what happened?

Well, after spending about a half hour on the beach alone, Joe comes back with this girl who immediately tells her friend "We gotta go!"

Needless to say, this totally *interrupted* my night!

After the girls left, I asked Joe what happened. Here's an almost word-for-word description of what he said:

"Dude, we were walking hand-in-hand on the beach. I wanted to make sure she was interested in me, so I pulled out my cell phone and showed pictures of my kitten back home. Then I started talking about how much I love animals..."

I was literally SPEECHLESS!

[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'How to Succeed with Women' Article]....

The Key to Attracting Beautiful Women

Here's a simple question I want you to ask yourself: "Do I Want to Date Hot Women?"

I'm not talking about your average girl at the bar who is okay looking. I'm talking about the kind of woman who walks by and EVERY guy stops what he's doing. This is the type of girl that MOST men can only dream of dating.

Almost every guy I've met wants to date a woman like this. Yet, most never have a chance! Why's that? Well the answer is simple. Your average guy doesn't even try!

Typically, when a man sees a woman like this, he'll have a brief fantasy about what it would be like to date her. But, when it comes time to "man up" and approach, he makes an excuse about how he has no chance.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret...

99% of men make excuses when it comes time to approach a very attractive woman. Typically, they settle for the woman they think they can get. Without even trying, these guys simply give up!

On the other hand, there's the 1% of men who aren't afraid to take a chance. Even if they don't attract the interest of the girl, they still have the courage to try! So what's my point? In order to "get" (and date) hot women, you have to take a chance!

[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'How to Attract Women' Article]....