Here's a familiar story...
Boy meets girl
Boy gets girl's number
Boy calls up girl and sets up the first date.
Boy shows up on girl's doorstep with flowers (or a fancy gift), brings her to an expensive restaurant and talks about how he REALLY likes her.
Girl quickly ends the date and doesn't answer any of his follow-up phone calls.
This is familiar because it's something that almost every guy has done at some point in his dating life.
The truth is we've all been PROGRAMMED to behave this way. In your average romantic movie, the male character wins over a girl's affection by professing his undying love. And if you've ever watched one of these movies with a girl, you'll see how emotional and choked up she gets.
So naturally, it seems logical to think that romantic gestures on your first couple of dates are the best way to attract her interest.
My question is- Should you be romantic when you first meet a woman?
The short answer is NO. And here's the reason why...
[Click Here to Read the Rest of the 'First Date Advice' Article]....
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